Bliss Milford

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Bliss Phoebe MacLaren aka Bliss Milford (1886-1970) was an American actress, screenwriter, songwriter and singer who was active in Hollywood during the silent era.

In 1914 she played the main role Sally in The Sherlock Holmes Girl. The plot is not related to Arthur Conan Doyle stories.



The Moving Picture World (24 october 1914, p. 504)

Bliss Milford

It is the little town of Hope, North Dakota, which Bliss Milford claims as her birthplace and the scene of her childhood days. While a mere slip of a country lass she was stricken with the stage fever and, with several of her schoolmates, fitted up a theater in an old barn. The tiny tots made their own footlights, painted their own scenery and built their own "props." Miss Milford would write the plays and direct the scenes as well as play the role of leading lady.

However, she always found time to devote to study until, at the age of fifteen, she decided upon a theatrical career. It was in the "County Chairman" that she received a flying start on the road to success. While appearing as ingenue in one of the Stair & Havlin productions, Miss Milford made a wonderful impression upon Elsie Janis, the famous comedienne, who placed her in touch with Charles Dillingham. The management was quick to recognize Miss Milford's genius and had a part written for her in "The Candy Shop." Her excellent performance in this part resulted in the clever actress being starred in "Sentimental starred in the well remembered "Sentimental Sally."

Miss Milford forsook the legitimate stage to join the Edison forces about three years ago, and has never failed to score a tremendous success in every one of the various character parts with which she has been entrusted. As the chorus girl in the "What Happened to Mary" series, she performed an extremely difficult role which required delicate and artistic treatment.

While Miss Milford possesses remarkable versatility, it is needless to say that comedy is her forte, as may be judged from her performances in the "Sherlock Holmes Girl," "The Tango in Tuckerville," "Twins and Trouble," "Two's Company" and "Grand Opera in Rubeville."

Possessed with exceptional intelligence and personal magnetism, Bliss Milford has steadily forged ahead until she is now in the leading ranks in the land of filmdom.