The Sherlock Holmes Girl

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Variety (2 january 1914, p. 14)
The Bioscope (19 march 1914, p. 1228)

The Sherlock Holmes Girl is an American silent movie, produced by Charles H. France (Thomas A. Edison Inc.), released on 7 january 1914 (in USA) starring Bliss Milford as Sally the "Sherlock Holmes" girl. 1 reel, approx. 600 feet.

Sally, maid-of-all-work at the Palace Hotel, finds a book telling how to be a detective. Fired with a new ambition she shadows the first man she sees. But the funny part of it is, he is a notorious diamond thief.

The plot is not adapted from an Arthur Conan Doyle story.

Survival status: unknown.




The Moving Picture World (3 january 1914, p. 72)

THE SHERLOCK HOLMES GIRL (Jan. 7). — Sally was the maid-of-all work at the Palace Hotel, Jonesville. Sally's rise to fame was occasioned solely because some absent-minded guest had left a book behind him, when he departed from the somewhat limited splendors of the Palace Hotel. The book was a treatise on the ancient and gentle art of detecting.

Filled with a desperate zeal to distinguish herself, Sally decided to "shadow" the very next guest who arrived in the hotel. The first guest who arrived after Sally's decision was plainly a suspicious character. To begin with, he was quietly dressed and perfectly respectable in appearance. So Sally "shadowed" the stranger in the most approved fashion. When he locked the door of his room she looked over the transom. Sure enough be took some Jewels out of his suitcase. Sally instantly summoned the police. Entering the room to keep the man under closer surveillance, she accidentally pointed a fan, shaped like a pistol at him. Instantly his hands shot above his head. The funny part of it all was that he really was the thief. Sally pocketed the reward and departed.

The Moving Picture World (24 january 1914, p. 412)

"THE SHERLOCK HOLMES GIRL" (Edison), January 7. — Not very much can be said for this offering by Miss Bliss Milford. She, herself, as the hobbledehoy serving maid in the hotel, gives a conventional burlesque characterization and there is nothing new in the business. It is of the slightest texture. The piece was produced by Charles H. France.