The Olympic Games Fund (13 september 1913)
The Olympic Games Fund is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in The Times on 13 september 1913.
The Olympic Games Fund

Sir, — I should like to ask one question and receive a definite reply from all those persons, including Mr. Punch, who are making our Olympic task more diffcult. It is this :- "Are you prepared to stand down from the Berlin Games altogether ?" In answering it they would do well to bear three points in mind - that we were defeat at the last Games, that the Games are in Berlin, and that all the chief nations have already announced their intention of seriously competing. If in the face of this they are prepared to stand down, then their attitude is, I admit, perfectly consistent. If they are not, then what is it that they want to do ?
Yours faithfully,
Windlesham, Crowborough, Sept. 11.
See also
- Our Olympic Failure (22 july 1912, Evening Standard)
- The Olympic Games (30 july 1912, The Times)
- Britain and the Olympic Games (2 august 1912, The Times)
- Britain and the Olympic Games (8 august 1912, The Times)
- The Olympic Games (22 march 1913, The Saturday Review)
- Olympic Committee (25 march 1913, Sporting Life)
- Olympic Games Lethargy (24 may 1913, Daily Express)
- The Olympic Games (27 august 1913, The Times)
- The Olympic Games Fund (11 october 1913, The Times)
- Some Views on the Olympic Talent Fund (Christmas 1913, Stock Exchange Christmas Annual)
- Preface of The Evolution of the Olympic Games 1829 B.C-1914 A.D., by F.A.M. Webster (may 1914, Heath, Cranton & Ouseley Ltd.)